Hurricane Irene Recovery - Town Meeting

Available Times
Hurricane Irene Recovery - Town Meeting
Amy Molina
(email: - phone: 802-229-321 x5556)

Many have stopped me to ask what we can still do to help our local community recover from the flooding. I have heard suggestions like a dinner hosted for the displaced (Berlin/Roxbury students/staff/former staff) residents. I have heard about fundraising ideas. I have heard of people wanting to grab tools and pound nails. I think that there is plenty still needed over the next few months/weeks, but I don't have all of the answers.

There are plenty of resources that list where we can donate and where we can still volunteer, but it might be a wonderful activity for us to have a group think on it.

I propose that anyone who is interested, students, staff, parents, community members get together next Tuesday (Sept 13th) at 2:45pm in the cafeteria for a town meeting-type forum.

By then, I think we will have more information about what our community is going to need regarding the 'rebuild' portion of this recovery. We will know what food shelves are still depleted, which of our students/staff/friends still need help, more about reconstruction, and it will give us all a chance to reach out over the weekend to find out what we can.

Then on Tuesday, we can gather and talk, share, brainstorm and plan the next steps. If you can join us, please do. If you have students (student council?), people you know, parents, alumni, former staff, who want to come or have idea, please forward this and have them join us. I see this as a U-32 community effort and not just a staff effort.

Thank you to everyone who has had a chance to volunteer, donate or support the efforts in our communities.

I hope to see you on Tuesday!